Part Two: The Good Samaritan

"People that are hurting and have no hope are the people that Jesus came to die for." - Dorothy; Director of Good Samaritan House in London, KY

First, I want you to know that if you are reading this you need to go back and read Part One: The Good Samaritan on the blog. Second, if you are reading this and you purchased something from Redeemed in April and May then know that three percent of your purchase was given to the Good Samaritan House (GSH) in London, Ky. In addition, to April and May's sales, three percent of June's sales will also be donated to GSH. 

"Dust to Glory."

When I chose GSH for the first place Redeemed would donate to, I didn't expect to hear several faith felt testimonies from current residents and the director. Dorothy and Ken are the directors of GSH and both lost their first spouses and found one another through missionary work. Dorothy said her and her husband Ken were running a homeless shelter in Texas when Ken felt called to move back to Kentucky and they have been the directors since the Fall of 2016. If you ever have the opportunity to meet her, ask her about her testimony. She said, God profesized to her that she would go from "Dust to Glory." From my perspective she most definitely has.

"Their angel." 

Steve and Terrell are the names of two men that are residents at GSH and I had the pleasure of interviewing. I don't know about you but, I've always wondered how someone ends up homeless? How does life get so out of control that you end up homeless? I think in our area of Southeastern Kentucky and probably most places, drugs are the culprit and it was in Steve and Terrells case. As I sat across the table from Steve and Terrell they poured out their story to me and their testimony of how those who volunteer and work at GSH has helped them to come to know Jesus, stay clean from drugs, and rebuild their lives. For instance, they referred to Dorothy as "their angel."

"He was last hooked on heroin and has been clean since December 2017."

Terrell is 64 years old and originally from Mobile, AL. He ended up in KY because of family who lives here. He is a veteran and worked as a concrete fence/brick maison and was also a chimney specialist. He said he had a great job before he let drugs take over his life. He was raised in the church by his Grandmother and had a wife, kids, and a home before the drugs. He started doing drugs at 16 and let the drug issue progress until recently. He never really gave a reason why he started using drugs but he said he couldn't stop. He was last hooked on heroin and has been clean since December 2017. He is still a resident at GSH but I'm so happy to say that he has a job and is saving his money to get an apartment of his own! :)))

"He started drinking at 15 years old and started taking pain pills at 19."

For some reason, I didn't write down Steve's age but I'm positive he is in his fifties. He's originally from Manchester, KY. He said he started drinking at 15 years old and started taking pain pills at 19. When I asked him why he started using he said it was to fit in because everyone was doing it. In 2014, he went to Federal Prison for drug trafficking narcotics from out of state doctors. In prison, he said he kept to himself and was able to take AA and GED classes there.  When he was due to get out of prison this year he was suppose to go live with his Father in Manchester but, his Father sadly passed a way before he got out and he had no one else that he could live with which is why he ended up at GSH. Steve now has health issues that prevents him from being able to work so he hopes to be able to get back on disability, find a place to live in London, and come back to GSH to volunteer. 

"they have to want the help."

Steve and Terrell both agreed that most people they know that are homeless are also past drug users. They said in order for drug abusers to get help and get off the streets it usually takes them hitting rock bottom first and they have to want the help. 

"they now know Jesus and are rebuilding their lives."

Ultimately, Steve and Terrell told me so much about themselves in those few hours and it gave me so much hope for others to know that because of GSH and what they're doing, they now know Jesus and are rebuilding their lives. When I asked Steve and Terrell what you and I could do more to help the homeless and those who are drug abusers, they said to just talk to them and find out more of what they are really battling within themselves.  I'm thankful, GSH in London is doing a tremendous job of completely changing peoples lives in London for the better. GSH is a non profit in our community that is making a major impact and they could always use volunteers and donations. I think we can always do more as a community to help those in need in our own backyard. 
Thank you so much for reading! Comment below with what you think or any questions you may have. :) 



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